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Jeff Bezos and his 6-page mantra to success

PowerPoint is one of the most popular tools for presenting information. But at Amazon, the software programme takes a back seat to written memos

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3 Sep 2021 1:10 PM GMT

Hyderabad PowerPoint is one of the most popular tools for presenting information. But at Amazon, the software programme takes a back seat to written memos.

In a letter to shareholders, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos revealed that company executives "don't do PowerPoint" or any other slide-oriented presentations. Instead, "Amazonians" create six-page narrative memos that are read at the beginning of each meeting - kind of like a "study hall" session, he says.

He might be the founder of a tech giant, but Bezos is still a fan of plans written down before execution. Before an important meeting, Bezos tends to develop a 6-page memo, written by one of the executives in his team, and then acts and makes decisions based on it. This signifies how important the act of writing is for anybody who has goals to achieve. Writing brings structure in the way you think and understand things.

"The reason writing a 'good' six page memo is harder than 'writing' a 20-page PowerPoint is because the narrative structure of a good memo forces better thought and better understanding of what's more important than what," says billionaire Bezos.

Bezos also focused on the need for the right direction to get the right results. In the past two decades, Bezos has brought Amazon to new heights with such tricks in his hat.

He is known for the key principles behind his success. From customer obsessiveness to take ownership, mantras are a part of the whole mystique of Bezos.

Earlier this year, the billionaire stepped down as CEO of Amazon after decades at the helm. Andy Jassy, the former CEO of Amazon Web Services, is the new boss at Amazon.

Jeff Bezos Amazon 
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